Marketing... Redefined

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If you are product or service focused and desire to be market or customer focused, give us a call. We can help you manage the transition out of trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t feel adds value to their operation. If you are currently properly aligned around a customer or market and want to acquire new ones or expand the existing base, give us a call. We’ll help you redefine your marketing function, and increase it’s organizational value.

Either way, we’ll help you through all the steps - from strategy and market / customer research right through launch and operational management of the newly added product or service. We’ll show you how to utilize social networking (wikis, blogs, podcasts, buzz, etc.) to mutual advantage for your clients and your organization. Care to utilize traditional means (print, airwaves) as well? Just ask us for assistance. We’ll get it done. The only bad question is the one that doesn’t get asked. We do all this with one clear goal: to ensure that you maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.

Classic product oriented 4 P’s (Product, Price, Placement, Promotion). Service based 7 P’s (+ People, Process, Physical Evidence) or 8 P’s (+ Packaging or Philosophy). Even SIVA (Solution - Information - Value - Access). Being tool agnostic, we’ll work with whatever you have, and in the event that you don’t have something, we work with you to obtain and incorporate it. Successful completion is our only goal.

  1. BulletMarket & customer research

  2. BulletDefining the “who” boundaries.

  3. BulletMarket summaries

  4. BulletGetting to the “what”, “when”, and “where”.

  5. BulletCompetitive SWOTs

  6. BulletOutlining the “why” and “how”.

  7. BulletMicro (internal), macro (external), and economical / social (regional/global).

  8. BulletMarketing and action plan development & deployment

  9. BulletDelving further into “why” and “how”.

  10. BulletPositioning strategy - where are the best fits that will obtain the optimal shared value for the user and us?

  11. BulletDistribution options - which is preferred: direct, indirect, or both?

  12. BulletAdvertising & promotional activities - what’s our message and how do we disseminate?

  13. BulletLaunch plans - from buzz through delivery and back via 360° feedback.

  14. BulletPortfolio management

  15. BulletWhat should you keep? Drop or divest? Realign or re-task?

  16. BulletCollateral material - collaboration, design, development, deployment

  17. BulletTraditional avenues - print, radio/TV

  18. BulletRecent medium - electronic, web, buzz, social networking, blogs, wikis, podcasts